How to Win in Chess Despite Some Material Disadvantage?

Material in chess refers to the pieces and pawns.

You can capture as much material as you like and theoretically, the one that has more pieces will likely win the game.

Even though the ultimate goal of chess is checkmate, it cannot be denied that material advantage also plays a role. I bet that in a game, if you have the material advantage, you will be much more comfortable.

It means that you have more resources to actually perform the checkmate.

Here is the thing though, just because you are down in material does not mean that you will lose the game. It will decrease your likelihood of winning, but it doesn’t mean that you will automatically lose without any question.

This article will talk about the ways to tackle a position that has material disadvantages.

It will teach you how to be resilient, something that you should have when playing chess. With all of that in mind, let’s get started. 

Let me start this with a caveat . . .

Before I start giving any advice, I need to make one thing clear.

I don’t have any silver bullet that can make you win 100% of the time, when you are down in material you will likely lose.

The silver bullet does not exist, by having material disadvantage, you will by default, going to have a hard time getting back into the game.

This article will talk about the ways to come back from losing positions where there are some material disparity.

These tips will help you get a chance of winning, but it doesn’t mean that it will work every single time. This just means that you can fight in a losing position a bit longer, to give yourself a chance of winning even in hopeless positions.

In my experience the advice that I will give here works, however, it will not work 100% of the time.

When you are down in material you will have a higher likelihood of losing, this is a fact. It is just that there are things that you can do to still come back from the game.

Not an assurance but a guide that can tell you how to potentially achieve a comeback, even in positions where the material gap is huge. 

Is there a way to win even if you are down by a lot of material?

Yes, there is a way to win in chess even if you are down with a lot of material.

However you still need to recognize that you are losing in such positions, meaning that the likelihood of winning is slim.

It is not completely done though, there are still things that you can do to fight back.

Some positions are completely hopeless, for example, being down 3 pieces and a queen.

And although many popular chess streamers like to give these kinds of odds, this will not work unless you are playing against a significantly weaker opponent.

The maximum material disadvantage where you can still come back would be down by 1 piece and a couple of pawns.

Beyond this material disadvantage, it is not like you cannot come back. It is just that the chances are so slim that it is very unlikely to happen.

Does that mean that you cannot come back from any material disadvantage?

Of course you can, theoretically.

I mean Hikaru Nakamura played against Mr.beast with so many material odds and still won.

The point is that there should be a significant gap between the two players, if not, then it is unlikely.

I have a couple of tips that work if you are only down by a piece and a couple of pawns, although it can also work beyond that material disadvantage although not as likely. 

There are several websites that I recommend to increase your chances. Learning with these resources are not foolproof, but it will definitely improve your chances.

What are the things to consider to properly pull off a comeback?

You need to consider three things in order to properly pull a comeback. First is the time control for the time that you have left, this is important.

If you are playing in bullet or blitz time format then there is still a high likelihood of winning, this is because faster time controls offer a lot of  blundering opportunities.

In blitz it is generally accepted that chess players cannot be as accurate as with slower time controls, this is for a reason.

In blitz you don’t have as much time to think, therefore you are more likely to miss an idea or make a mistake. If you are down in material and you are playing blitz, try to play faster yet keep your stability.

Do not rush but give your opponent as much opportunities to make a mistake. If they are winning (since they have material advantage) they will likely be less focus on their calculations.

This is a whole nother topic, there are many chess players that lose winning positions especially in blitz.

Since they are already done with the material part, they are more likely to focus on their time so they won’t run out.

If you play quickly, you are basically declaring that you want to win by flagging them (making them run out of time). In my experience chess players that are in this kind of pressure tend to play quickly and less accurately.

This will provide you a lot of opportunities to come back into the game. In bullet it is even more absurd, since the time control is so fast you can come back even with a huge material disadvantage.

You can also do this in rapid and classical, although it is less effective. Since they have some time to think, they may play more controllably and think of every move.

My second advice is that you should make the position as complicated as possible. Mikhail Tal is known as one of the greatest attacking players of all time.

He is known for intentionally sacrificing his pieces in order to initiate some kind of an attack. He is doing this since he is good at positions that have some complications.

Even when he is down by material, he can still come back when his opponent makes a mistake.

We can learn a good lesson from Mikhail Tal, and that is that if you are down in material you should make the position as complicated as possible.

Maybe start an attack against the enemy king, even if you are down in material, you can still win by a checkmate. Try to find opportunities where you can complicate the position, even if you have to give further material by doing so.

When the position is complicated you will have a chance of coming back. If they played all of the moves correctly, then they can win, however you want them to work for their food.

Make the position as messy as possible and maybe you can find a winning opportunity.

The last advice is something that has been briefly mentioned earlier, which is to wait for your opponent to make a mistake.

This is advice that should be used at the same time as the second advice, it is a powerful combination. When making the composition complicated, don’t be the one to initiate a pawn-push or attack.

Wait for your opponent to go for the finishing blow and hope that they make some kind of a mistake.

There is a whole trend about chess players losing in winning positions on forums online. This is because chess players that have winning positions tend to become impatient and irregular. 

It is psychological, chess players tend to care less when they are winning since they have a safety net, they are winning after all.

You should take advantage of this mindset and play quickly and controllably, while at the same time just waiting for a mistake. If you are down in material your focus should be higher, this has happened to me a couple of times.

Since you are losing you tend to focus on every single piece and think of a way on how to break through. When you are winning you tend to gloss over the details and become careless, take advantage of this.

It is not a surefire way to win but you will have some chances, that is the important part. If you follow this advice you will have good comeback opportunities, something that you can use to win.

Can highly rated players in chess secure a win with any material advantage?

Yes and no. Highly rated chess players can usually win with some material advantage since they have what it takes to make the right moves.

However this does not mean that they can win with a single pawn 100% of the time, especially if they are also playing against a highly rated player.

If this is the case, there wouldn’t be comebacks in high level chess, which obviously, there have been comebacks in high level chess.

I would say that it is more important to consider the gap between your rating. If the gap is too huge, expect to not come back when you are down a whole piece.

I advise that you should still play on just so that you could learn how to play well even when you are down in material. You should also implement the advice that I have talked about earlier, although the likelihood of winning is slim.

If your rating is around the same level however, then you still have good chances of coming back into the game. They can still make mistakes and the advice above should apply. 

At what chess rating will material advantages become too important?

I think that material advantage will become really important when you are rated 2000 + elo.

This is because chess players at this level know how to take advantage of any little mistakes.

In fact, people who have this over the board rating usually study openings and have prepared with the engines. They are those that can take advantage of little opening mistakes.

If a player can take advantage of any opening mistakes, then they can definitely take advantage of positions where they have a lot of material.

However as I stated before, the gap within the two chess players is more important. If you are playing against a 2000+ chess player but you are a 2000+ player yourself, then there are still chances of making a comeback.

I think that this applies even at higher levels. But you shouldn’t probably expect a comeback against a grandmaster or a super-grandmaster (2500+), they are on a whole nother level. 

What should be your expected win rate if you implement the given advice?

You can win games being down in material depending on your rating.

Let’s say that you are down a piece, what is your percentage of winning if you implement the advice given?

I would say that if you are rated below 1000 elo, the chances of winning are still high, about 48%. At this level you shouldn’t worry too much about having a material disadvantage, your opponent is much more likely to make a mistake.

If you are rated around 1000-1500, you can still win 40% of the time, as long as you implement the advice correctly. If you are rated around 1501-1800, you would have 30% of winning if you implement the advice.

If you are rated around 1801-2000, you can still win 25% of the time when being down in material.

Beyond 2000 is too hard to calculate, it depends on many factors.

There are some strong chess players where it is still possible to make a comeback, there are others where the hope is all lost.

It can get pretty relative around this level (2000+elo), I cannot give you a percentage beyond 2000 elo. This is what you should expect when you implement the advice.


I have a total of three advices: (1) play quickly so your opponent can be pressured. By playing quickly your opponent may also be tempted to play quickly, they can make a mistake that can allow you to comeback this way.

(2) you should create some sort of complication, a position where the best moves are not as obvious.

When there is complication there are opportunities to make a mistake, you can overcome a bad position when you create complications.

(3) you should wait for your opponent to make a mistake. I know that it is tempting to go for the attack when you are down in material, you should do the opposite instead.

You should wait for your opponent to deliver the finishing blow, these are the cases where they can make crucial mistakes.

You always need to remember that you wouldn’t win 100% of the time if you implement these advices, this is just set to increase your chances of winning.

Hopefully this will allow you to overcome hopeless positions. That is all for this article, thank you for reading.