How do you Convince Others to Enjoy the Game of Chess? 

If you are reading this article, chances are you have already played chess for quite some time. The problem is you have a good hobby, but no other person that you can share your passion with.

I get that you can easily find online communities that talk about chess, but I personally think that connecting with people face to face gives a more positive aura. 

In this case it is important to understand how to properly convince someone that chess is actually enjoyable. Most people are too intimidated to even try playing one game, much less devote more of their time practicing to become a better player. 

I think there are many things that you can do to convince someone that chess can be enjoyable, the approach is important. You will learn many things here that you can apply immediately, let’s get started. 

The best way to convince a friend to play chess is to display a chessboard at home . .

If the individual that you are trying to convince is your friend then I have a neat solution. Just keep a chessboard on display when you are hanging out in your home, naturally, your friends will be curious about this. 

In order to get your acquaintances to participate, I would recommend keeping a chess board openly displayed at your home at all occasions. If the one that you are trying to convince is your friend then inviting them to your home shouldn’t be that hard.

Sometimes there might even be occasions where they naturally go in your home, try to put the chess board in places where it is easier to notice. 

If you have a great chess board, it already has an appealing appearance to the eye by itself. Moreover, if it’s not in plain sight, people tend to forget about it.

If you keep it out all the time, each time your friends come over, they will be able to view it. It will pique their interest, and if they find the game enjoyable, they will ultimately be persuaded to participate in it.

Take in mind however that in most cases, a person who does not want to participate in the activity will not like it. There are things that I can give you though to significantly increase your chances.

Try to insinuate it in a conversation and even try explaining the rules, most of the time this will be enough. But what if they agree? What do you do now?

I think there are a couple of things to be reminded of to spark your friend’s interest in chess. 

Pair your friends with similar chess levels to keep their interest

The first tip is that you should make sure everybody has at least one person who is a somewhat tight contest for them.

If you are just playing poorly to seem less tough to a new player, then that person will not value the victories that you have earned from them.

Instead, your best bet is to look for two individuals who are interested in picking up the game. After that, they may take pleasure in competing against one another and utilize games played against you to hone their abilities.

For the second tip, where you can, position your board in an area at your home that is free from potential interruptions.

In most cases, when I have been effective in teaching the game to an area at my home, I will proceed to pursue their interest in settings that do not use electronics.

This might take place at a school, a field, or even a peaceful area in the home that does not have a desktop or a television.

Playing chess at home might just be a qualifier, you can of course take their interest somewhere that is more quiet and focused. 

Carry a travel chess set around public areas, this will capture the interest of some onlookers

Another piece of advice that I may provide you is to carry a travel set with you everywhere you go. If you are an espresso enthusiast like I am, you should visit a coffee house, take out a board game, and compete against yourself there.

You should expect to be ignored by the vast majority of people, but eventually someone will approach you and ask a question such as “Do you practice chess?”.

You will respond to yourself in your head by saying, “Obviously, I am” But on the surface, you will present a pleasant demeanor and respond, “Yes, do you know how to play?”

They will either answer that they know how to play or that they do not know how to play but would want to try, at which point you may either invite them to play or show them how to play.

In one way or another, you wind up making a new buddy who is also your chess partner.

I shall invite them to join me in playing one of my games while being thoughtful and kind. If they do not know how to play the game I will personally give a light tutorial of the movement of the pieces.

If they already know how to play I would try to take them lightly. Even if they do end up winning all of the games it would ensure that they would enjoy playing with me.

Nobody hates winning in chess, and if there are still on the novice level they won’t feel pressured. 

With this approach I will make it a point to carry a chessboard with me everywhere I go and to invite both individuals I already know and complete strangers to matches, even if they’re just three minutes long, so that I may meet more folks who like playing the game.

Be kind to beginners and remind them that chess is not about their i.q.

The issue is that the vast majority of people are under the false assumption that being good at chess is closely associated with IQ.

They don’t feel that they have what it takes to be good at and will most likely lose, this may led them to being viewed as dumb since they flopped at chess which is not enjoyable at all.

This is because it is usual for individuals to downplay their IQ.

The trick is to teach them how to succeed via the transmission of a few basic chess concepts, which has the extra effect of enhancing their ego, while at the same time providing them with a look into the fundamental, yet undetectable beauty of the game of chess.

When they ask questions do not shame them no matter how obvious the question may appear. Just because you already have a vast knowledge about chess does not mean that others will have the same impressions.

What may seem “obvious” to you might not be to others (especially beginners) and be mindful of that. This is just good manners 101, nobody wants to be around a guy or girl that shames them for being bad at something.

Do not make fun of their i.q. or anything, instead make the games light and interactive. 

You can encourage your acquaintances to play chess using online platforms like lichess

The other approaches can work wonders, however not everyone has time to go to coffee shops nonchalantly since they have to work.

In cases where you don’t have as much time it is better to take things online, I prefer lichess since it is easier to navigate even for beginners. Provide them a variety of reasonable cause (perks) for utilizing the platform (lichess in this case).

If lichess does not fit your taste, there are other websites about chess that you can recommend.

Do not suggest playing chess unless they directly inquire. Just enumerate the perks you have acquired by attempting chess on Lichess and do it nonchalantly.

Do it between encounters as much as you can (try to slip it in conversations when you are talking about your hobbies or something).

Don’t talk to them as a salesperson, they must perceive you as a buddy who has discovered a hobby considered to be enjoyable, more gratifying, more pleasant. Keep them inquiring about this hobby and pique their curiosity.

You may subsequently inform them that you are accepting dares on Lichess and you would want to play a serious game with them there. When you meet some sort of an edge or more enjoyment on Lichess, describe it as an account.

Then discuss a chess group or club that you have online or offline and speak about additional features. Work on their interest, you may discuss advantages subtly as you converse.

I have frequently played on lichess over the years, I learned that curiosity rather than direction appears to be more helpful in persuading people to join me.

Using lichess can be helpful for you if you are trying to convince someone and don’t have the time. You can try it for yourself and see if it works in your specific situation. 

There are some individuals that won’t play chess no matter what

It is important to understand that there are many different kinds of people out there. There is no fool proof plan that you can put into action which will be effective 100% of the time.

Some individuals will have reasons beyond your control which makes them unable to enjoy the game. I suggest trying your best and seeing if you can convince them while at the same time not forcing anything. 

The game of chess puts off a huge amount of potential players. Even if you only want to play the game for fun, it takes significant time and effort to master it.

And moving above the beginner level pretty much necessitates having a certain amount of devotion to the game.

I believe that it is intriguing to watch games that leverage the variables of youth, sexuality, or socioeconomic stratification in a way that is counter to what people anticipate.

But in all seriousness, chess is a pastime that captures people’s interest for a variety of reasons. It’s similar to the challenge of encouraging individuals to study for fun. If you don’t fit the profile, then you don’t fit the profile.

Some people just won’t fit the profile and it is okay. I believe that it is worth it as long as you have tried your best, even if it is not enough. 

If you can’t convince your friends to play chess, try convincing strangers

If you really want to play with someone and find that your current friends just don’t fit the bill I don’t think you should force them. Some people just don’t like chess due to their personality or background, and it is okay.

If you have done everything and found that your friends still aren’t interested then you can just find others who already enjoy playing the game.

If you truly would like to engage in more chess games, instead of attempting to persuade your current pals into competitors, you should look for other individuals who are interested in playing games like chess and other games and spend an evening with them.

Find a club that plays chess, board games, or something equivalent. Then you won’t have any of the issues that you’re now attempting to find solutions for.

You also have the opportunity to spend more time actually playing the game instead of instructing others.

To tell you the truth, if somebody doesn’t want to participate, I would not push anyone to play. However, you could always begin to try much faster matches to begin with, like 10 minutes, so that you can hold someone’s focus and concentration.

It’s impossible to predict, but after ten minutes, they could get more engaged.

I would also propose not getting too engaged in the match, maybe allowing the other player to go forward in progress or capturing a few of your pieces so that they build some comfort and want or want to play more of the game.

This is a frame of mind that individuals need to adopt, and it is not something that can be changed overnight. People need time to adjust to the new conditions, just as they would to a rapid shift in the environment.

If you have tried everything else and are still unsuccessful, you may try going to a club where you can meet other people who like playing chess and who would be ready to commit and play a couple of games with you. 


If I want to convince someone to play a game of chess I would do it gradually, I feel like people get put off if you are rushing things for them.

Let them be curious and ask beginner questions about you while being accommodating at the same time, do not discourage them from asking their beginner questions. 

I would put a chessboard in a noticeable area around my home while my friends are there. I would also consider inserting lichess into our conversations if my friends cannot go at my home.

If all else, just go to a coffee shop or a public park to meet new people, whatever your preference is. That is all, thank you for reading.